Das Copyright für alle Texte und Fotos
liegt bei Martina Sylvia Khamphasith und Diethelm Kaminski

New Haiku

smashed roach
after two hours

Through the treetops
birds twitter
in their networks

Mediterranean beach
sun worshippers
towel by towel

spider on the wall
how lightly
you carry your cross

cross spider
what once was your

After summer rain
the bench
owed by mosquitos

on his smartphone
hundreds of selfies

organic market
half of the price
for conscience

my visitor is leaving
my neighbor
cleans her window

signs of the years
the tree gets
fatter and fatter

the birds chirp
at 5 a.m.

soap bubbles
my mirror image
bursts too

closed toilet door
the queue has thoughts
of murder

shopping center
my wallet must have
a whole

personnel fired
the boss dictates

climate change
the glaciers break
their silence

this tingling sound
of my mother tongue